So here we go. I am starting this blog as a journal of my pregnancy. Self indulgent, I know, but after considering many options, blogging seemed the logical way of keeping record of the trials and tribulation to come.
Maybe firstly, some clarification on the chosen title :"The Pregnant Fairy". This might seem an odd title, mainly because fairies are seldom associated with inflated tummies and burgeoning bosoms. Picturing inflated fairies flitting between the blossoms and enticing unwary travelers does however bring a smile to the face.
I actually have my husband to thank for the title as he has often referred to our pregnant friends and family members as exactly that - pregnant fairies. I do hope in his eyes I remain a fairy and don't gradually morph into a image more unbecoming, like blossoming behemoth or hormone ridden harpy.
Secondly, a brief recap of the journey so far. Without going into elaborate details, it has been a two year journey including various hormone, injections, operations, doctors and disappointments. At long last, we had a positive result three days ago. My best friend and doctor, Karen, finally achieved the miracle. Currently the little one (at this stage this stage the singular reference might still change, as numerous eggies vied for attention) is a mere 2 weeks and 3 days old. One benefit of fertility treatment is that the conception date is a certainty.
Thus far no symptoms to report. Probably the most notable change in my life has been trying to adhere to the endless list of "what NOT to do". I already miss my glass of Savignon Blanc, my biltong snacks and sushi.
I will strive to update this blog as frequently as is sensible, without boring potential readers to tears, going into excessively boring details or acting like I am the first pregnant woman on earth.
Cheers for now
And to end with, here is a picture of pokkel (I am still deciding on an appropriate name for the little thing)